
6 Creative Employee Onboarding Ideas You Can Use

September 12, 2022

The onboarding period allows you to learn about your new employees and set them up to be successful. A good onboarding program means more engaged employees who stay with your company longer and do better work.

The most important thing is to ensure that each person feels like they matter and not just another number in the system! Here are some creative employee onboarding ideas that you can use to make your new hires feel like they belong from day one:

Personalize The Onboarding Process

To ensure your new employee is off to a strong start, you want to ensure they understand their role and how it fits into the big picture. This can be accomplished by including some company history and context for their role in the onboarding process.

In addition, using an employee’s strengths during their training can help them feel more comfortable in the position and have greater success with the tasks assigned. A good way to do this is by creating an individualized onboarding plan based on each person’s interests and skillset.

Also be sure to build in time for questions from both parties so that everyone feels like they have all of their questions answered before beginning work or after completing training sessions.

Start The Onboarding Process Before The Employee’s First Day

It’s good to start the onboarding process before the employee’s first day. This way, you can give them a heads-up on what to expect from their first day and help them prepare for it. You can also provide a list of resources and people they can contact if they have any questions or problems. Additionally, if you have company policies and procedures that need to be signed off on by all new employees, this is an excellent time to ensure they’ve done so before beginning work.

Start With An At-Home Office Build-Out

Your company’s office should be as welcoming and inviting as possible, which means investing in furniture that makes them feel at home.

If you are working with a small budget or don’t have any extra resources, consider setting up a “virtual office environment” for your employees. This can include everything from ergonomic desk chairs to high-quality monitors—anything that will help them feel like they are part of your team (even if they aren’t physically working with you).

Create A Buddy System

A buddy system is a great way to help new employees feel comfortable and welcome at your company. Buddies can help new hires navigate the office, get to know people, learn about the company and its culture, and learn about their role.

You could assign each new hire a buddy who has been at the company for some time or have them sign up for one themselves. Either way, they should spend time together outside the office to get to know each other better before they start working together.

Include Your Employees In Company Initiatives

One of the best ways to welcome new employees is by giving them a sense of belonging. You can include them in company initiatives and let them know how their work contributes to the organization’s overall mission.

Provide A Platform For Feedback.

A platform for regular feedback is an important part of any employee onboarding process. Feedback helps new hires feel more connected to their team and allows existing employees to learn about the experiences of others in their field. Providing this type of forum can help you gather valuable data on what your organization needs to do better as a whole while giving your employees a chance to voice their concerns and share ideas face-to-face.

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